• We build the future for them

    Educationl programs

    We always strive to provide appropriate opportunities to create a better future for children through integrated education and unlimited academic support for them with the simplest possibilities and in cooperation with our partners

  • Giving never ends

    Relief program

    Providing the necessary protection for the refugee community and relief for those who do not have one is one of our most important programs. We try hard to provide the ingredients for a decent life and help everyone with your donations. You will be partners in this giving.

  • A smile is an indomitable force

    Disability Program

    They are strong and their capabilities are amazing. They are at the heart of our society. We do our best to meet all the opportunities and needs available to them. We help to build an integrated society that preserves all its components. We support all efforts and receive support for lasting development.

About Us

Orchidia Charitable Association is a Lebanese non-governmental organization, officially registered with No. 564. At the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities, it is concerned with charitable, educational and developmental affairs.

Build Great Futures With Great Charity

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Your joining us will make a difference in someone’s life for the better. We are here to help everyone and we need help from everyone

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